If the life of the church seems to be running dry, it could be because many wells are filled in and stopped from flowing. This video was live streamed on Facebook April 19th 2018.
Video teaching
A vexing problem. What is going on in our churches? (video)
A vexing problem. What is going on in our churches? This video was live streamed on Facebook February 21st 2018.
I say to one come and he comes (video)
Is that true of our relationship to God? Can we by the things we say and do call and send God to what or where we want? This video was live streamed on Facebook February 25th 2018.
Be still and know that I am God (video)
The awareness of His ever present nearness. This video was live streamed on Facebook February 26th 2018.
Let us press on to know God (video)
The awareness of His ever present nearness. This video was live streamed on Facebook February 19th 2018.
Oh my children (video)
Signs of the end of the times. The prophecy of infantility to come. This video was live streamed on Facebook February 13th 2018.
Looking at pagan worship from the revelation of God in biblical history (video)
Midsummer celebrations in Scandinavia, sunworshipping at Stonehenge, homage paid to the seasons, worship of all that is earthly and pleasant for the moment and an abandonned and reckless carnival all go together this week, that of the longest day and shortest night. Looking at it from the revelation of God Continue Reading
There is no new thing under the sun (video)
There is no new thing under the sun. The common fallacy of separating OT from NT debunked. This video was live streamed on Facebook June 15th 2017.
The Bible. Written by people or by God? (video)
How often are we told even by the teachers of today that “the bible was written by people, not by God”? And starting there they explain away everything that is distinctly said to be Gods sayings? This video was live streamed on Facebook June 12th 2017. This video was made before Continue Reading
Pentecost. A most imortant day in church history (video)
The day of Pentecost, the fiftieth day after the death and ressurrection of Christ. A truly most important day in the history of the church. This video was live streamed on Facebook June 3rd 2017.